Resolved -
The issue has been resolved, and all Clover systems are working as expected. If you need further assistance, please contact Clover support at 1-877-273-8191. Merchants who were previously unable to make tip adjustments should ensure they complete those adjustments before their end-of-day batch out. Thank you again for your patience while we worked through this issue.
Mar 14, 13:01 PDT
Update -
Please note that we continue to work on the issue currently impacting tips, refunds, voids and other related order synching and transactions. Also, if you are integrated through our Cloud Pay display functionality, you may need to retry your card transactions. We are actively working to remediate this issue and will send another update shortly.
Thank you again for your patience.
Mar 14, 12:14 PDT
Update -
Clover merchants, we are experiencing a service disruption impacting tips, refunds, and adjustments. While merchants can still accept payments, there may be a delay in seeing these transactions reflected on their devices. Our engineering teams are actively working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. We will provide further updates as soon as they become available.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mar 14, 11:43 PDT
Investigating -
Clover is experiencing some intermittent issues at this time. There is no action you need to take - we will post another update here within the next 30 minutes.
Mar 14, 10:23 PDT